He sounds a user of the worst kind,and I know you adored his physique etc but cunt is the right word for him how he could throw all that effort cost n love away you gave him ,but in the long run,hope he gets his come upponce,once his current lady bores of him and he's all a lone and pining for you ,you should then think you are better off and free to be living your best life bully free,and you know we are all here for you and your pleasing us all too 💗
Thanks Steve. And absolutely on both accounts. I don’t intend to be with anyone who loves me less than I love/d him! And actually shows it. The amount of stuff I did for him which all got thrown back in my face is just ridiculous. Still, karma is in full swing. It’s just a shame I don’t get to keep abreast of how he’s on the receiving end of much deserved bad karma. Gaaaaah!